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Please help us spread the word about the Roll Call for the FCK CANCER Campaign. Here’s a few suggestions and assets that can be used:


Primary: #fckcancer
Secondary: #rollcall

General Short text

INDUSTRY ROLL CALL: Please join us in paying tribute to Mikael Nermark’s legacy by granting him a final birthday gift by participating in, what will hopefully be, the most epic Humble-campaign ever created. To answer the roll call and pledge a game to the bundle, simply respond here: www.fckcancer.io #fckcancer

Twitter friendly

🚨INDUSTRY ROLL CALL 🚨: Please join us in paying tribute to Mikael Nermark’s legacy by granting him a final birthday gift by participating in, what will hopefully be, the most epic Humble-campaign ever created. To answer the roll call and pledge, go here: www.fckcancer.io #fckcancer

General Long Text

INDUSTRY ROLL CALL: Please join us in paying tribute to Mikael Nermark’s legacy by granting him a final birthday gift by participating in, what will hopefully be, the most epic Humble-campaign ever created. To answer the roll call and pledge a game to the bundle, simply respond here: www.fckcancer.io #fckcancer

On November 16, 2021 Mikael Nermark would’ve turned 51. He was a 50-year old with a lot of life left to live. Unfortunately, cancer is something that affects many of us in one way or another and in this case, it has taken Mikael away from us far too early. It’s been clear that Mikael’s presence made an impact, was felt and remembered from the first instance you met him.

With this in mind, friends & family have initiated this Roll Call to be able to grant Mikael’s wish to, in a significant and meaningful way, make an impact. 

We would like to unite the games industry for a worthy cause to truly honor Mikael’s legacy of creating relationships across borders and time, a legacy that will hopefully stand the test of time many years to come. Via a Humble Bundle, we would like to invite you – friends and family, colleagues and business partners – to join us in contributing a product to a Humble campaign dedicated to cancer research. 

To answer the roll call and pledge a game to the bundle, simply respond here: www.fckcancer.io #fckcancer

We have pledged

We have pledged! INDUSTRY ROLL CALL: Please join us in paying tribute to Mikael Nermark’s legacy by granting him a final birthday gift by participating in, what will hopefully be, the most epic Humble-campaign ever created. To answer the roll call & join us with a product pledge to the campaign, simply respond here: www.fckcancer.io #fckcancer

We have pledged Twitter

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